Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I only have one left of the last tray that I made of these beehives..
so I made some more.
This time I did some different fun quotes in them. So, if you want one you can choose the quote you like
..until it's gone that is...
These are the quotes to choose from & I did them in blue & pink..
Land of the mountains high, Utah, we love thee!
Evan Stephens
To Labor is to Pray.
~ Motto of the Benedictines
Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers.
Robert Ingersoll
...and the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it.
Pooh Bear


  1. I need a Beehive Box for my YW. How about an appropriate quote for my 12-13 year old Beehive Girls? I coul use this when I teach in so many ways.

  2. Well the Beehives are Beehives I assuming because of Brigham Young, who owned the Beehive House which contained his offices, and also named Utah the Beehive State because the beehive is a symbol of industry and he wanted all of us to work hard. Something about industy would be good.. but, isn't there a beehive motto or something? It's been awhile. :)

  3. I think I like pooh bear's the best!

  4. someone's been a busy bee! ba-dum-bump.
