Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Parade Day...

I have never been to The Days of '47 Parade even though I have lived here in Utah almost all of my life. When we were offered front row seats due to the generosity of my sister-in-law and her two younger brothers, who slept out all night to save the perfect spot (getting little sleep thanks to the less pleasant aspects of urban life). We had a perfect time at the parade and then we were treated to a delicious lunch of Extreme Vegetarian Pizza from the famous Pie Pizzaria and other yummy treats in my brother & sister-in-law's beautifully decorated and happily well air-conditioned apartment.
These pictures are a few highlights from the parade...
The crowd was fairly subdued. Likely their sluggishness came from having had a party all night while sleeping out.. I can only surmise.. However when the Army Reserve marched down the street everyone stood and cheered. Those kind of things give me a lump in my throat. I think this was THE highlight of the parade.

These riders from Rexburg were stunning in all their patriotic glory...

The Davis High School Marching Band!

I loved this float. Beautiful.

I hoped that this guy was well paid for running around in a plastic plane suit in near 100 degree temps...

The choir of The Pentacostal Church... who sang very well...

What a great day!


  1. Thank heaven the darts have given up those awful oven-like uniforms from our day, I always felt so sorry for them. They probably have more people join the band now! Lovely picutes. Glad you liked the kitchen pics. Thanks so much for your swatches! Look for blue in the study area, coming soon!

  2. Okay, now I'm a little more homesick!

    Those pictures are so great, Tif.

  3. My very favorite parade... and I have been to many, even Macy's in New York. Im with you, I would have cried when the Army came by with the flag. Thanks for the great photos and report!

  4. I missed the parade this year due to the heat and lack of someone saving us a great seat! Thanks for the re-cap in pictures. That was great!

  5. Go Americanas from Rexburg! (I am from Rexburg, so it was nice to see my homies.)
