Sunday, July 15, 2007

Nancy Drew...

Little c and I went to see this film on Friday. It was so darling. I loved how the film stayed true to the feeling of the books. The granny chic wardrobe is really part of the film and the clothes are delightful.
Unlike many recent films that get a thumbs down from me as they down-grade our social interaction, each film trying to be more crude and rude than the one before, this film takes the high road praising social grace as an attribute of the well-educated girl, which it is.
While this film is made for the the pre-teen girl, the script is smarter than almost any films I have seen targeted to that demographic.
This is a film, I will buy it for my collection. Oh that respect and good manners would make a comeback in the movies...


  1. I agree 100%! We went for b's birthday and I love it too. Loved the clothes, the car and the plot. I love that this tiny little girl with good manners out-smarted all the icky big men! Definitely a thumbs up here too!

  2. P.s. Love talking to you today, made me happy!

  3. Now you have convinced me to see this in the theater with my girls instead of waiting for the DVD release

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. I've added it to my list of must see films :)

  5. I absolutely want to see this movie! I'm positive I'll purchase it for my daughter one day. Glad to hear it was as good as I expected it to be.

  6. It was most excellent and well done with nothing bad in it. And it is full of cute clothes!

  7. Wasn't sure if I was going to see it or not, now I am convinced. Thanks for the recommendation.

  8. I loved my ND books so much!

  9. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I'm a huge ND fan, and am very curious to see how they updated her for a new generation.

    I had the opportunity to see the preview and some clips, and her clothes and poise certainly hearken back to another era!
