Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cape Cods...

This is another something that I have been loving. We started buying these last summer and they are the best tasting chips ever even if they do say reduced fat on the front. Lots of crunch and lots of sea salt is just delish! Sadly we have only been able to purchase them during the summer time at Costco and I have not seen them at other stores in this area.


  1. I'll just bet you buy tons of them in the summer, and vow to ration them throughout the year, but eat them all too quickly anyway? When I visited my friend Michelle in Portland, I bought myself a 6-pack of Vernors ginger ale which I used to enjoy when I lived across from Detroit. It's not available in Canada, though, so it's a very rare pleasure.

    You're one of my gift winners, btw ! Check out today's post :)

  2. You lucky! You won Lilli's! And now I know what those look like!

  3. Anonymous1:59 AM

    I have much more of a salty too than a sweet one for most of the time so these would go down a treat!

    Cherry xx

  4. I love them, too. We have them at Vons and also Albertsons.
    I found some really yummy chips at Target; they are salt and pepper chips. They are kettle chips with black pepper and sea salt. They come in a blue bag.
