Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Story of the Patriotic Quote...

I remembered that Dick Cheney had read this beautiful quote in one of his speeches. I couldn't remember which speech and the White House site seems to only keeps track of more policy related things and not so much the political things... I found that out today. I wanted this quote and it took me over an hour to find it. This is the Vice President's speech. This speech was given at the 2004 Republican National Convention. During the speech, the Vice President quoted Bernard DeVoto who happens to be a historian originally from Ogden, Utah... a bit ironic I think. DeVoto specialized in writing histories of the American West. He once said, "When America was created, the stars must have danced in the sky." I am putting that quote in one of the flag boxes which will be for sale tomorrow.

I found another cool quote in my search. I will share it later.


  1. I love Dick Cheney. Both times he has spoken in Utah, I have listened and gotten very teary-eyed. He is one amazing and I think historically significant man. I plan on buying a fourth of July box.

  2. He is an amazingly gifted public servant who understands that in order to keep our liberty, we must make liberty available to those who cannot obtain it themselves. Since Thomas Jefferson, I doubt there has been a man in his office whose exhaustive study of history has afforded him so much courage and wisdom.

    Plus, he's from Wyoming and his western style of expression makes perfect sense to this westerner.

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you found it. I really like that one. Very visual -- I bet there was a "party" in the heavens.

  4. The thing I appreciate about Dick Cheney is not his politics, but his unconditional love and support for his daughter even if he does not agree with or support some of her choices.
    Great quote. Yes, there was rejoicing in the Heavens when this free nation was formed.

  5. What a perfect quote!
