Friday, May 18, 2007

Peace... and Kindness...

I have been so frustrated with my last few trips to the Post Office. I guess people are quite angry about the cost of fuel and the rate hikes at the post office and they were quite grumbly and really even nasty to the postal employees, as though they have anything to do with it at all. People can be so petty sometimes and sometimes they can be so generous.
Once my sister and I had decided to brave (we must have been nuts) the Mall with our babies and our mentally handicapped brother Josh. Josh is a big, big teddy of a guy with a big, big sweet tooth. He has a thing for soda and thinks it's right for everyone to share with him. He will swipe your soda if you are not guarding it with great care.
As we stepped off the elevator, Josh spyed a woman with a large soda in her hand and before anyone could even blink, he had it and was sipping away, nay gulping it down. We could not have pursuaded Josh that he needed to give it back if we thought the woman had wanted it back. People have not always been kind to us about these sorts of incidences. Sometimes they have been quite ugly and even made a scene, but this woman remained startled for just a fraction of a second and then with a big smile on her face said, "Let him enjoy it!" I think she visited with us for just a moment and then left. She will never know that her small act of kindness is something that I think of very often. What an example. It reminds me of that song that goes..."let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me..."
photo of The Peace Rose copyrighted 2007


  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I needed to read this today!

  2. Yes, it was a beautiful story. And your photography is stunning.

  3. Wow, what a great story. I need to plant some peace roses at my place and some more in my heart. Thanks for the cute experience about you and Josh and family. That's awesome you braved a trip to the mall with him.
    I think everyone needs to get their soda swiped by a cute Josh every now and then. ha. He hasn't swiped mine yet... I need to visit him.

  4. Sheesh, I love my peace roses. I have the Peace Rose and the Chicago Peace Rose and I have 2 Abraham Lincoln's which are my favorite red. It's been almost 90 degrees here for the last two and a half weeks... bummer for May. The lilacs bloomed and faded in about 3 days. But it's been so hot we have May instead of June roses. I love them though. Someday I'd like to plant the parking strip in roses like my mom has. I just love them all!
    P.S. Josh would be happy to swipe your soda as well.

  5. That is so beautiful :) Makes me all warm inside.
