Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mrs. Grossman's...

Mrs. Grossman's have always been my favorite stickers. I love stickers. I adore the hearts especially and the purple pansies. Today, I found that Mrs. Grossman's has a site where you can buy all the stickers you've been dreaming of and have a wonderful time sticking hearts to everything and even dressing the new paper-doll stickers. I love paper-dolls too! See her site here.


  1. How fun! We will have to visit, B is on a real paper doll kick. Hey, I am definitely thinking of putting my little gems in the shop, don't you think they'd do best as magnets? I think they are a little small for paper weights. Thanks for always thinkin'!

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I heart stickers, too!

  3. One can never have too many stickers, ribbon, books, or black shoes!

  4. What a great post...I love those stickers, too, but never knew the brand. Fun, fun, fun!
