Friday, May 04, 2007

Kipper My Love...

I love Kipper. What a lovely little dog he is. I am one of those people who feels strongly that media very much influences the behavior of children. I am often disturbed when I see that some children are learning their etiquette from Bart Simpson rather than their parents. I believe in the Eliza Doolittle concept; you are a princess when you behave like one.
This is why I give Kipper videos as baby gifts these days and for birthdays through age 6. Kipper is a prince because he behaves like one. Exposure to Kipper is a wonderful influence on a small child. If your child takes to watching Kipper like mine did, you might find them speaking with a bit of an English accent... but it sounds just lovely especially when they are using words like "please" and "thank-you."


  1. Cool, I've often wondered about this guy... he has such a cool name you know. ha.

  2. Oh, I miss Kipper...and Little Bear. :(

  3. Little bear is so nice too! Love little bear! :)

  4. This is the point where I confess: I love watching Kipper. Maybe I just like watching animals speak in Brittish accents, but I just enjoy this show. Plus, it is so much quieter and calmer than some of the other kids cartoons that are probably a contributing factor to ADD. (I mean, I have no credentials to speak on the matter-only I work with many "ADD" students and it seems like they have patterns in entertainment and interests).

  5. I made the mistake of looking at this while #4 was awake..."dee dee dee DOCK!!!!" he exclaimed and wouldn't take his eyes off the computer. Then #3 comes over to see what all of the commotion is about and he exclaims that it's a NEW Kipper and we HAVE to get it because Tiff has ALL of them(he saw your picture adjacent to the post.) You are the expert, we love him too, if not a little obsessed.

  6. Sorry Jenni, I forgot that Mo once said don't mention K..... unless you can produce K.....

  7. My daughter is almost 20 months and I've never even heard of Kipper. How is that possible? I must look into this...
