Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!

Last year on Mother's day, I was asked to speak in church... this is what I said about my mom. It's still true... :)

I am so grateful this day for my own dear mother whose gifts and talents are many. Who taught me to awe and reverence the creation that our Heavenly Father has made for our happiness. I love to go on drives with her so that she can point out and name every special tree and flower and bush and so she can remind me not to forget how beautiful our mountains are today with either green grass, autumn leaves or snow. She loves the beauty of every season and celebrates every holiday and occasion with exuberance and real joy. I am so grateful for her quiet faith and her extraordinary acts of service and for her great loyalty and love for her family.

I am also so thankful for the gift of being a mom to the most extraordinary little c. She is such a bright and happy little spirit. She is a companssionate person who always wants to do right. She is the music and the energy in our home. She is so cheerful and positive. She can make days like yesterday, where we spent seven hours working in our garden, a joy. Love you little c.

(photograph copyrighted 2007)


  1. Two very lucky Mums there ! I miss my Mum terribly ( she passed on some years ago ) but she is always with me in spirit.
    Happy Mother's day !

  2. I'm so sorry Ellie...

    Happy Mother's Day to you as well. Now, in England Mother's Day is celebrated in March? How about Sweden? Does Sweden celebrate Mother's Day as well?

  3. Mother's Day in Sweden is the last Sunday in May. I wonder why we all celebrate at different dates ? Could you e mail me your blog e mail Tiffany so that I can link with you ? I'm not too good at these things, but I think I need it, if you don't mind that is !

  4. That was some nice things you said about me. Thank you. Love you!
