Monday, May 07, 2007

Cinco de Mayo...table...

I always use this serape that my friend Brooke brought home from Mexico and gave me as a birthday gift one year as my Cinco de Mayo table cloth. It is wool, but it washes up beautifully. I never put it in the dryer however. On the menu was the chicken enchiladas below, corn bread, green salad and lime rice and limeade. Not on the menu but very much missed was our favorite roasted chili salsa from Que Pasa and their homeade (actually restaurant made chips). :( If we had been able to, we also would have loved to have had some baked butternut squash with sea salt. Yummo. :)


  1. That looks festive and fun!

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I shoulda been at your home for eatin! Oh yes, Mr. Lovee's Hippie shack is full of Zarape's, mexican rugs, you name it, it is here...Creatures with horns, which I can't stand... But hey, I have my own space to frou frou up and he has his to, do whatever with.. heeeee.... :) xxo, V

    1 hour from mexico and I didn't even party at all for 5 de mayo..

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I shoulda been at your home for eatin! Oh yes, Mr. Lovee's Hippie shack is full of Zarape's, mexican rugs, you name it, it is here...Creatures with horns, which I can't stand... But hey, I have my own space to frou frou up and he has his to, do whatever with.. heeeee.... :) xxo, V

    1 hour from mexico and I didn't even party at all for 5 de mayo..

  4. Ole! I know which door to knock on when I am in town for cinco de mayo!

  5. So cute! Hey, I want the lime rice recipe too, is it at all like bajios? Love that! Oh love the plates too!

  6. Lime rice is just easy. Make rice.. whatever kind you like and add Cholula Chili Lime Seasoning (I think gluten free, but check) to taste and maybe a squeeze of fresh lime. I think it would be lovely with some bits of cilantro as well. :)

  7. Oh, you can get Cholula spices around here at Albertsons. :)

  8. Such a fun table. I love your Mexican table cloth.

  9. What a festive table! How fun for everyone!

  10. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Your table is so festive! What a great friend to bring that blanket back for you. I went to Puerto Vallarta last May and we came home with another wool blanket in a wedgewood blue, we use it for picnics in wine country! Your dinner sounds fantastic!!

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Tengo hambre! (Doesn't that mean "I'm hungry!") Looks fun & yummy!
