Friday, May 11, 2007

Benito Juarez...

In the fourth grade, the study of history begins in earnest. What a great subject! I am afraid that I didn't learn as much in school as I could and should have, but as I have aged history has become so relevent and so interesting, or I should say that I have begun to realize how relevent and interesting it is. I want my daughter to enjoy it as much as I do which I think only requires a good story.
This book is a good story. This book tells a short synopsis of the life of Benito Juarez and how he became a hero in Mexico and why the Mexican people celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It is a story that includes several themes that I think are very appropriate for children: 1. Education is very important and you should educate yourself as much as possible. 2. Helping other people is the right thing to do. 3. One person really can make a big difference.

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