Thursday, April 19, 2007

True At First Light... Ernest, Bill and The Great Liberal Ideal...

I mostly like to post about the bright and happy, but I did promise to review this book and I did finish this morning on schedule. The book was published posthumously in 1999 and edited by Patrick Hemingway, the second son born to Mr. Hemingway. I felt that the afterword included by Patrick was the only part of the book with any emotional value.
It was soon after Hemingway wrote what is included in this book that he ended his life by suicide in Ketchum, Idaho on July 2, of 1961. Last time I was in Ketchum, I visited the lovely memorial that was erected in 1966 to his memory.
His family has quite a terrible history of mental illness something that his own behavior must have exacerbated greatly. If you take his view of himself at face value from this book, he was a faithless, debauching, alcoholic who was emotionally stunted and selfish. He reminded me so much of Bill Clinton, it was difficult not to compare them.
Bill Clinton claimed to be part of and spoke the language of what I like to think of as The Great Liberal Ideal. Equal treatment under the law for every human being, respect for all people and cultures, you know THOSE great liberal ideals. These are the people who came up with and passed sexual harrassment laws that are meant to protect women in the work place. But, no spoken ideal can speak louder than the way a man treats his own wife.
Hemingway had been married four times. In the book, he talks about what makes a really loving wife... one that will hunt lions with you.. great. Also on his list is one that will allow, even encourage you to keep a concubine. His mention of women in the book makes them more like a consumable product, to be used up and thrown out.
Bill Clinton liked to support those tired and old social programs that originated with Johnson's Great Society and now have shown to be a recipe for keeping the poor in their tenaments for how many generations and those who promise to keep them on the dole in power.
Ernest Hemingway mentioned the poor treatment of Native Americans in the book and yet his own behavior and example toward the East Africans would make them tribes of syphilitic alcoholics.
Why is his writing so famous? It is difficult not to admire his clear prose and unmistakable style, yet, his content fails to inspire me. In college I read a paper written by Marilyn Arnold called Art and The Noble Idea. The article argues that it is not good enough to have great truth or great style. Great writing must have both. I really don't find any truth in True At First Light.

Do you have a different opinion? I would love to hear why.


  1. I agree with Tiff. Hemingway fails to inspire me. I think he failed to inspire himself as well. You can't feel inspired in poor conscience. I feel bad for the guy. His one true sentence, wherever it is, has never rung true to me. And I try never to speak of the other guy. I'd rather forget about him.

  2. Interesting observations. After visiting Hemingway's home in Key West, I came away with a very "flat" feeling. Not one of inspiration, admiration, or interest. Generally, when visiting the home of someone like this, I leave with a desire to know more about the person, their life, and works. The entire Key West mind set and atmosphere, one that is centered on bars, drinking, and deviant lifestyles, was a perfect setting for Hemingway.

  3. Thanks for the review, I don't need to put this one on my list, I have never been a big fan of his either.

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I really have a hard time judging a mentally ill person without being inside their head and knowing what they were going through.It is hard to know where to draw the line, but mental illness is a powerful and horrible thing.Interesting comparison to Bill Clinton...I wasn't aware that he was an alcoholic.It should be noted that the selfishness of our current president will have adverse effects on millions...I don't think the Clinton "scandal" measures up to that. Also, keeping the poor in their tenements and those on the dole in power is a distinct characteristic of another party whose name starts with an "R". Are you against the "Great Liberal Ideals"?

  5. I would definitely fall on the opposite side of this discussion. I enjoy Hemingway's writing (with the exception of To Have Or Have Not, man I hate that book) and have many of his books on my shelves.

    I don't see any strong connection between Hemingway & Clinton. The biggest similarity would be womanizing, which can be used to describe a great many men. Everyone has an image of the ideal society, conservative or liberal. And just because you have that idea doesn't mean you are always going to live up to it. That applies just as much to Bill Clinton as it does to George W. Bush, or anyone who participates in their society. Just because we aren't all going to be perfect all the time doesn't mean we shouldn't try to help our society be better as a whole. And perhaps as societies make strides as a whole it can inspire the individuals to make wiser choices in their own lives.
