Friday, April 27, 2007

Tostitos Flour Tortilla Chips... or how I don't get out much...

Just let me ask you now to forgive the next few posts. I sit in my little studio for lots of days and when I finally get out, I get quite excited about some of the silly things I see. This is one of them. We had a few last night with our Taco Salad. They were really delish, but I was thinking what would really be great with them is my friend Niki's Artichoke Dip. MMMMmmmmm.


  1. I was wondering if those were any good. I am making chip dinner tonight, so I will try them. (Chip dinner is homemade beans, homemade guacamole, salsa and baby carrots--no utinsels used, my kids love it).

  2. Do we get the artichoke dip recipe?

  3. Yes... I was looking for the Artichoke Dip recipe? Do tell.

  4. I was wondering if those were any good too. I've been addicted to Tostidos "Hint of Lime" chips for a while now... maybe I should try something new.

  5. Good news... Niki has brought me the dip recipe! I will show you next week. It's the best one ever, better than any restaurants I've had it in so get a pencil! :)

  6. I love flour tortillas in a restaurant, but I haven't seen these on the shelves yet. They look dangerously delicious :)
