Friday, April 13, 2007

Random thoughts about The Crucible...

Last evening, I attended my sister's school prodution of The Crucible. Arthur Miller wrote this play as a protest against McCarthyism. Naming names and making lists is dangerous to any society. Under the fifth amendment which guarantees due process to the accused several things are required to convict someone, "the presumption of innocence until proved guilty, trial by jury, representation by counsel, the right to present witnesses and evidence to establish one's innocence, and the right to cross-examine one's accusers..." While this was the standard set forth by wise Founding Fathers, it has not been always followed in these United States. The internment of Japanese Americans during WW11 is one very sad and ugly example. Franklin Roosevelt is credited with saying, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." How often is that true?
There are still so many societies in our world that live under the politics of fear. Earlier this year I read James Michener's book, The Bridge At Andau, and I still think about it everyday. It is a powerful book that shows how a society of fear comes to be. It is quite ironic how the power structure of communism (the theme of McCarthy's Red Scare) is based on this same naming of names that is so terrifying in The Crucible. In a way, McCarthy was participating in exactly the thing he feared.
I have often felt that the High School curriculum is very harsh and I worry that we turn children off to literature because they are asked to read Lord of the Flies, The Crucible, Crime and Punishment & Heart of Darkness all rather dark and depressing. However, last night as I watched these High School kids perform The Crucible, I thought it would truly be a great thing if these kids learned the lessons of The Crucible now.
For me those lessons are these... Due process is a sacred gift. It is inconvenient and painful when you are the one who is wronged because it would be nice, believe me, to point a finger at someone and have them sent away. Liberty costs, and it is a price worth paying. Secondly, we need to be involved and informed about those that we elect and appoint to rule over us. We need wise judges in the land. Lastly, and most importantly, we need to have charity for all.

Dear Jackie, you and your class were absolutely fabulous! Many, many congratulations! Your big sister is very, very proud!


  1. nice entry tiff, glad to hear the darts did a great job!

  2. It is good to have lessons to learn from those dark books. I remember when i went to the play of the crucible in college with my wife. She cried and cried afterwords. But i had to tell her about all the good things it implies and means.
    There is a movie about it with Wynona Rider in it not sure on the rating but it was alright.

  3. I could see Wynona Rider playing that character. I'll check it out. I want to get one of those clear play deals. That would be great. Then, no worries.

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Oh,her big sis is very very proud! How wonderful...And yes....You are right! Do love the renewed lessons...No matter how hard they might be...xxo,Vanessa

  5. Hi Tiffany,

    I wanted to send you an email but wasn't able to find one so here it is... Thank you for your words over at my site :)

    ... ah! and Arthur Miller is one of my favourites :)

  6. This is a bit off topic, but what is your opinion on True At First Light? It is on my bookshelf just waiting to be read, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I haven't read any Hemingway in so long, I kind of miss it. But this book is just one of the over two dozen on my to-read list. Is it worth moving it closer to the top?

  7. Jessica, I am not quite finished, but I hope to be able to do a small review on that book on Thurs. :) Thanks. Love your blog, it's so fun!

  8. Lord of the Flies was awesome.

  9. Mo- Lord of the Flies is awsome if it's one of only 5-6 books that you've read, but seriously Mo there are some REALLY great books out there, Lord of the Flies is NOT one them. Love ya! :)

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