Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pink Staws... My favorite affordable luxury...

Photo by T. Christian Skobbe of Oslo, Norway
Did you know that historians credit the Egyptians with the first use of the drinking straw? Apparently, they were trying to avoid sediment in their beer. Then, in the late 1800's a man named Marvin Stone modified a paper cigarette holder in order to be able to sip right through to the end of his mint julip while he still has some ice left in his cup. I didn't realize until today that this whole thing was so inebriated. Lovely. Mr. Stone even improved on his original design, a winding strip of paper, by using sturdier paper and coating it with paraffin wax.
I, myself, adore these brightly colored plastic numbers, stone cold sober as I am and always have been, I can enjoy the bright colors without anxiety. My situation is that I crave ice, but I do not crave frozen teeth. For a dollar, I can enjoy 100 lovely ice-cold whatevers teeth-pain free. Plus, if you are being really good and trying to get your eight glasses of water in, a brightly colored straw helps it to be more of a party and less of a chore.
Tell me, what is your favorite affordable luxury?


  1. One additional comment. In doing a bit of research on drinking straws, I saw this funny line... "The Manhattan Neighborhood Network, series dedicated to the culinary education of the finer Manhattan alcoholic."

  2. Hot bathes with scented oil while reading a good book and pedicures

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I'm all about straws, too! I hate the feeling of ice on my teeth. Oh, it makes me *shudder* now!

    My affordable luxury might be microwave popcorn. It's warm, smells good and keeps you munching for more than a minute or 2!

  4. p.s. cute photo of you!

  5. I adore that photo. I might swipe it. Or try to take my own. Wow.

    And as for my affordable luxury...I am pretty much a lover of sweets, so I'm with Liz. Candy, candy, candy.

  6. Brooke, you can swipe it. I swiped it afterall. :) I gave credit though, so I'm still a good person right?

  7. This was a fun post. I have been trying to think of a luxury. And I can't! How lame is that. I think I better find one.

    Yes, that picture of you is very cute. Funny though, for some reason I always pictured you as a blond. Isn't that funny?

  8. Affordable luxury... such a relative term... mine are-professional pedicures, personal training sessions, fresh cut flowers year round, bolts of exciting ribbon, and European cookies and candies with chocolate!

  9. I had noticed you gave credit. You are very good. :)

    Just wondering where you swiped the photo from...

  10. Brooke, I swiped it from google images.

  11. I mostly loved this post because of how you said in a sarcastic tone "lovely." That is the Tiff I know and love!

  12. I think would have to be the yummy square of dove chocolate every afternoon with a glass of milk. And reading a good book in a bubble bath.

  13. a good cup of hot chocolate...mmm...

  14. i hate ice in my drinks! so yes love straws too - great pic!
    my affordable luxury - cappucino breaks at the local cafe and
    brown sugar and olive oil body scrub
    do it before a shower, concentrate on rough areas then jump in and rinse off! easy + cheap!

  15. library books and Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey too!
