Sunday, April 29, 2007

Niki's Artichoke Dip Recipe...

Niki has brought this to a lot of fun parties with neighborhood friends, and now that I've made it, I really need to thank her because not only is it really delish... it's also kinda expensive to make. But make it you should because it is soooooooooo good.

1 80z can non-marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonaise
8 oz. cream cheese softened
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 clove garlic minced
dill weed to taste

Mix together all ingredients except artichoke hearts and beat until smooth. Add artichoke hearts, place in greased pie or quiche pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 min. and serve with the Tostitos Flour Tortilla Chips in the post below.

**Notes... Niki says the dill is optional. We had dill in ours and it was great. She also said that greasing the pan could be over-kill. We did not grease the pan and it was great. Lilli made mention that water chesnuts might be delish in the dish, Niki thought so too. We did not have any water chesnuts on hand, but we are trying that next time. Niki actually makes hers in a really shallow tart pan, which looks very cute when she brings it to parties. I was bugged that I couldn't find a tart pan as cute as hers; mine is some kind of casserole dish, but it was still great! Did I say it was great? It was great!


  1. Looks wonderful! Can't wait to try it.

  2. That sounds really, really good. I have another recipe I make, but I've been wanting to try a new one--my recipe uses 1 stick of butter, 2 cups of cheese, 1 bar of cream cheese, plus a 16 oz. container of sour cream!!! So fattening.

    I like the dill in this. It sounds like a great addition. I'm totally going to be making this. Thanks for posting it!

  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

  4. Making this is a priortiy this week! Yummmmmmmmmmm

  5. Wow that looks great. yes great!!

  6. Looks yummy! We always have water chestnuts on hand because I buy them on sale, thinking that I'll put them in a stir-fry, and then I never get around to it. Our water chestnuts sit in the cupboard for a couple years before we think to use them :)

  7. Look at what an inspiration you are. I am making this and the crusted salmon you previously posted for my Mother-in-Law for her Mother's Day dinner.
