Thursday, April 26, 2007

Big Stone Gap... And Book Club...

Big Stone Gap is just a really fun read. I love Adriana's style and her characters are all so three dimensional they seem like real people, even the minor characters. This is the third Adriana Trigiani book that I have read. I also have read Queen of the Big Time and Lucia, Lucia... I recommend those as well.
I have recognized a common theme in all three of these books. She explores the idea that there may be just "one true love" for each person. Not all of these books turn out happily ever after, so some of the "true loves" are the ones that got away. I'm a romantic and so I love this idea. What do you all think?
Book club was delicious! We have a very bright group and so the discussion is always really fun. Then, Katherina's home was so beautiful. Pale yellow paint with blonde floors and beautiful bright blue and yellow Spode plates decorating the walls. It was like taking a happy vacation to sit around in all that pretty.
She also made us Shirley Temples in beautiful champagne flutes and we had Chocolate Coca Cola Cake.... which we ate with little antique silver and ivory forks and the cake was amazingly fabulous! A grand evening indeed!
Adriana has a fun website, if you are interested see it here.


  1. Your book club sounds wonderful. I guess I believe in just one true love for each person. There may other loves in our lives, but I'm stuck on the notion of having just one absolute soulmate.

  2. I love her books too, you are the one who clued me into her others and now I think I have read them all! I am a true romantic too, although I'm not so sure I believe in only one true love, doesn't seem fair somehow. although I do believe once you are committed your love becomes your one true love. I hope that makes sense. sounds like a lovely night!

  3. I have this book. Loved it! I wish there was a decent book club out in my area.
