Monday, March 26, 2007

Studio Happenings...

I wanted to show you this cute jacket that I ordered from Harold's. They are having a lovely sale. This is in the "Outer Wear" section of the sale section. I was going to post a pic from their site, but they won't let me... and I was going to post a link, but it wouldn't let me do that either...and their pic isn't very cute anyway. I never find clothes that I like that also actually fit me and are flattering. I love this color. And, the jacket has princess seams front and back which I also love.
I finished a couple more Kokeshi dolls today. They will be in one of the shops sometime tomorrow.
Little c painted me this lovely watercolor for my inspiration clothesline. I love that spring green, blue sky and bright sunshine... not to mention the pretty flowers. Little c is my favorite artist ever! Whenever I see paintings done by children I think of how Picasso wanted to be able to paint like a child again. His parents may not have been happy to hear that since he painted all over their walls all the time, but look at this picture with the customary bright yellow sun... it just makes you happy to think of a day like that. ... Then, look at this. A few weeks ago, I was the recipient of a beautiful package of lovely things from my friend Kerri whose husband recently returned from serving our country 16 months in Iraq. He returned safely for which we are profoundly grateful. Kerri sent me this lovely cross that was made in the Middle East. Thank you Kerri. I will treasure this gift. As I was looking at it today, I was thinking that before the Savior, this symbol must have been one of great fear. Now it is a reminder of one who was able to rise above all things, even death... the entire point of Easter.
May He watch over all of us and especially our soldiers and their families, who also sacrifice so much. We have so many friends & family who either are or have been involved in this current conflict. We are grateful for, mindful of and praying for each one.


  1. Normally I'm a big Harold's fan and I love this little diddy you purchased, but I haven't been impressed with their Spring collection. Maybe it's the location, but when I buy something there, I always feel it is from my "secret" place. Even though anyone can go there.

  2. My goodness you are just a treasure chest of goodies today! Lovely everything!
