Friday, March 23, 2007


I love products that save time and this is one of the best. I like to garden, but I hate the daily battle with weeds. In my garden this product has cut my weeding by about %70. All you have to do is shake some over your beds once every six weeks. I put the first application on yesterday after giving the beds a good weeding. I will have to weed really well again for the ones that have come to seed and then its just here and there for the rest of the summer because of this great stuff. It even helps with field bind weed which was bothing me so much that I was having nightmares that it grew up the side of the house into my room and wrapped itself around my neck! I hate that stuff. Anyway, I felt like the last to know about this and so I want to make sure that all of you know... it's really great and they are not even paying to say so.

1 comment:

  1. I am a complete believer in Preen. Although I am behind and haven't done my beds yet. Thanks for motivating me!
