Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The thing is ... I married a farm boy. Farm boys are morning people. They are also often not party people, homebodies, you could say. Once one of my husbands brothers came for dinner, at 9:30 P.M. he was, head back, snoring away in a chair.
If you are contemplating marrying into an agricultural family, you need to be aware that this behavior, all of this behavior... is contagious. I used to come alive at 10 o'clock, now I'm dead at that hour. I used to love parties and going out, now I love to be home.
I love to wake up before the sun and open all the shades and watch the sunlight enter the room while I blog or clean up last night's dishes. Sadly, the morning light shows how desparately the windows need washing and the furniture needs dusting and because of that I almost didn't show you these pictures, but .... look how pretty the sunshine is on the ivy and the pretty stripes it makes on my little table. Someday I am going to get the windows really clean and the dusting done... at the same time... and then it will really be amazing. Until then... I am going to enjoy and be grateful for the pretty sunshine coming in after all those cold, gray winter days. And, even with dirty windows... I am going to be very happy.
Hope you have a beautiful morning....


  1. The lovely ivy topiary - I like it and the Bambi and I did see you little sis peaking behind your and your 7 year old friends. Cute cute.

  2. Lovely pictures tiff! Love them ,and the beautiful picture down there too!

  3. My dad is a farm boy and I'm pretty much happier if I go to bed earlier rather than later. But my hubby comes from a family of night owls. And in our case, I think his behavior is more contagious. It will probably be an issue in our marriage until he gets old. :)

    That light is simply gorgeous. And I love those paperweights.

  4. notice the lovely table top that Tif has painted, beautiful.

  5. Mornings are great. I'm a morning person. It's my most productive time of the day :)

  6. It is interesting how our lives change after we marry someone who is a morning person or a night person. I was a big morning person and my wife is an extreme night owl. Since she works night shifts that makes a lot of sense. Now I am still awake at midnight instead of being fast asleep.
    Good luck with the windows. Ours are the same way dusty!
