Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Friday Giveaway Drawing...

Welcome to that last giveaway post for awhile. I may possibly do one more tiny one next week just because one thing that I was expecting did not arrive in time and it's just so great that I don't want you all to miss out... so be watching.
This giveaway features one of my black lacquer boxes and one of Beth's Market Bags. Beth's Market Bags are just lovely. They are also tough and practical. They can carry a lot of weight and they wipe clean inside and out. Beth also sent along a matching belt and so the winner will have two fun pieces. Notice Beth's cute new label!My mother, grandmother and aunts love black lacquer furniture and all things Asian, which is the inspiration for these little boxes. These boxes don't really have much of an Asian feel to them, but I love how the black lacquer makes such an amazing background for color. I love these boxes and have made them part of my standard repertoire. I hope the winner will love them too. If you like this box and don't happen to win, watch my shops because the black lacquer boxes appear fairly often.
When I started painting Love Boxes, the main idea was to paint a pretty box and then add pretty words. I wanted to meld my interest in the visual arts and my love of reading and of beautiful words together. Finding the perfect quote, or writing the perfect quote to go inside is often part of the challenge of making these little boxes. But, when they are finished, I feel that they make a gift that can really have meaning to the person who receives them. And, no matter how much or how little someone has, they can always use an expression of love. The inside of this box reads..."love brings bewitching grace into the heart... Euripides..."
I really appreciate everyone for participating in my little giveaway week. I am so excited! I have always wanted to have my own little shop and I think this one is small enough that I can just manage it. I also really appreciate all of the "word of mouth" advertising that many of you have done to help out. Thanks so much! I am really grateful... so please don't keep my new little shop a secret... please tell everyone you know and visit often.
As before, any little comment on this post will enter you in Fridays drawing, which will end at Midnight EST. You are welcome to enter as soon as this is posted & and everyone is welcome to enter so if you'd like to tell a friend.. no need to ask permission. I would love it!
Good Luck to Everyone!
Lindsey is the Winner of Thursday's Giveaway!


  1. whohoo! Me first!!!

  2. Okay, I posted before the whole image came through. What a pretty prize!

  3. Oh. my. gosh! I'm so excited! This just made my day!

  4. Maybe if I comment earlier? I love this one!

  5. I am NOT feeling lucky today.

    (maybe that will work, kinda like reverse phsychology,lol)

  6. Pick meeeee! LOVE the polka dots!!!
    Awesome job, Tif!

  7. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Can I enter? that is oh so cute!

  8. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Um, I'm Lindsey's friend and found you . . .

    I got up at 4:30 to come to work and so, you see . . . it has been a very long day.

    Very lovely work Tiffany!

  9. i'm so sad i didn't know about your great giveaway week until friday!

  10. I read your blog through Lindsey and absolutely LOVE your stuff. Hope I win!

  11. wow! I just love it!
    Shell's sister-in-law

  12. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Very stylin' !!! Would love it!

  13. Love the black box with the yellow.

  14. If you are wondering if you are welcome to enter this giveaway drawing... the answer is... YOU ARE!! Everyone, everyone is welcome. We love new friends here. Have a happy Day!

  15. Want it...Must have....ha ha.

  16. Where did you get the bag? It is super cute!

  17. can you pick me? i haven't won any of these stinking giveaways yet. :)

  18. Ohh so cute! I love polka dots!

  19. Wow, how serendipitous. I've found these by clicking on links in various blogs. These are adorable, and even if I'm not chosen, be reassured that your etsy shop shall be added to my Favorites.

    These are perfect ideas for girlfriend gifts on Valentine's Day or birthdays. The bag is perfect too... for a diaper bag, for lugging grocery items, or for books from the bookstore. Ah. Lovely idea, dearie.

  20. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Huh. It seems that Blogger doesn't like me much. It figures. Here's my Email address, just on the off-chance I get picked: orangefluff at juno dot com.

    Yes, orangefluff. As in one of those fancy, feathery poof-balls on the ends of funny pens. And yes, juno. As in the Roman name of the vengeful wife of the most mischevious guy ever.


  21. Tiffany,
    I am so flattered that one of my bags is part of your giveaway drawing!! Everything looks I said you are a talented girl!!

    Beth/Market Bags

  22. Anonymous7:21 AM

    What a fabulous set of pretty things.

  23. Ooh is it too late? Bags, Boxes, and Audrey does it get any better that that?
