Monday, February 05, 2007


We had a turtle day yesterday. We saw some pictures of someone we know and love dressed as a turtle. We watched a National Geographic Explorer program about saving the nearly extinct Leatherback Turtles that can grow from this size to be six feet in length and 900 pds. Wow.

And, my dad sent us this poem to perfectly cap the turtle theme we had going for our day.

“I am Home,” Said the Turtleby John Ciardi,
(The Little that is All [Boston, 1974], p. 294)
“I am home,” said the turtle, as it pulled in its head
And its feet, and its tail. “I am home, and in bed.
“No matter what inches and inches I roam,
When the long day is done, I am always at home.
“I may go whole feet . . . even yards . . . in a day,
But I never get lost, for I’m never away—
“From my snug little house and my snug little bed.
I can dream lots of dreams, but remain here instead . . .
“You can go on forever, no matter how far,
And whatever you need is wherever you are!”
(“Is there one thing I miss when I’m snuggled in tight?
Yes: there’s no room for someone to kiss me good night.”)


  1. Loved this poem so much, now why did she have a big turtle on her head? She is the only teen I know who could wear a turtle on her head and smile about it! She is so awesome!

  2. I think it was some silly dance she went to. I loved though! :)
