Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Tragedy In Our Beautiful City...

I don't like to post about sad things. This blog is meant to be just for happy and lovely ideas and things. However, I am so sad and sorry about this tragedy and like always when these sorts of things happen feel completely useless to help.

I am amazed and grateful for the courage of many of the officers in the SLC police. They came to our rescue on several occasions putting themselves in harms way when we were dealing with a drug ring in our building downtown.

Our hearts are broken for every victim of this tragedy and our prayers are with them.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we heard about that up here too. There are so many things happening at any given time in our world that we don't understand, and it has a much greater impact when it happens so close to home. We think "that could've been me, or someone I love".

    This is the time to remember how precious life is, and to connect with our compassion.
