Thursday, February 15, 2007

My New Studio Mascot...

Sometimes when you wish for something, it ends up on your doorstep. Michelle made me this beautiful doll with pink hair. I once had a friend with pink hair when I lived in SLC. She was a really nice and facinating person who was studying criminology at the University of Utah. Her hair was a pleasant pink, if you can imagine, a paleish, strawberry pink. I loved it. But, I digress. Anyway, I adore this doll so much. She is destined to be my new studio mascot. I was going to name her Paris, because she is so fashionable, but then I want her to have a nice girl name and that is no longer a nice girl name. So, I want to name her a New York name because New York is a very fashionable city and she is wearing a lot of black. So Jenni, Linds or Liz, maybe you could offer a bit of help? Brooklyn is a bit over used and I can't very well name her The Upper East Side. So, What do you think? I am not doing a contest this time, just asking for a bit of help.

Michelle, I love everything you make and this doll will be a treasure. Forever thanks!!!


  1. So glad you liked her Tiff! I knew you would give her a good home.

  2. Michelle, thanks one million times. I adore this doll!

  3. Hey her sisters are in the middle of their makeovers and are currently getting hair extensions, we hope to see what they look like in braids soon! The suggestion from our house for a name is Dolly as in Hello Dolly! Set in new york, plus we have just been calling these girls dollies.

  4. Chelsea is a good girls name and a section of NYC that is not bad, or you could call her Jamaica, but she doesn't look like a Jamaica very much. cute doll by the way. This Michelle is very creative/talented.

  5. How bout Audrey?.....
