Monday, February 19, 2007

Cute... Cute... Cute...

Look at this darling Valentine I received from my friend Holly. Thanks Holly! She knows my colors so well that one of the cute cards she sent me is framed in my house. Thanks Holly! I love this one!


  1. What a cute valentine! (do I know this Holly... from Magellan?)

  2. The very same. She has 3 children now too. That is so fun Sheesh, I forgot that we all had lunch a couple of times. I sure got that company some good employees.

  3. You sure did! Those were such fun days! I email Clara once in a while still, she's so great. Let me know if you want her email address.

    Anyway, I actually think of you and Holly when I'm folding and smelling my freshly bleached/ all white towels for our bathroom. (Am I remembering right that Holly started that?) Ha!

  4. Tell Clara hello. That is right... you have a great memory Sheesh. We did learn the white towels and sheets from Holly. Do you do white sheets too. I love it... especially on the day you make your bed to climb into amazing smelling fresh white linens. And, a clean white towel... My family cannot believe that I do the white towel thing, but I keep a few bright towels for hands and then white ones for after showers. Holly is the ultimate Martha clone, actually better than Martha because she doesn't have a staff. :)

  5. Yes, I do the white sheets too! :) Can't beat that smell.
    I have some solid colored towels too. (White and Lavendar towels in E and my bathroom)... I just love it, it's a "Where Lilacs Bloom" sort of feel :)
