Monday, February 05, 2007

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie...

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie...
(I like this recipe much better than the one I gave out in the Christmas card several years ago.)
2 9" unbaked pie shells
4 eggs
1 tsp. good Mexican Vanilla
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup butter
2 cups semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips either way, I like the Guittard
Beat eggs until foamy. Beat in flour, sugars and vanilla until well-blended. Add butter and blend. Stir in chips and nuts. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake 45 min. at 325 degrees. The recipe says to serve warm with ice cream, but I really love it best cool and the next day.
2 cups chopped pecans or walnuts


  1. I like the Mexican Vanilla from It's the best I've ever had!

  2. Thanks so much Brian. I appreciate the tip. I find that I run out so quickly, it will be wonderful to have an on-line source.

  3. Yum! I like my dessert the next day too. Imagine with ice cream and that hot fudge sauce jenni had on at Christmas--Yummo!

  4. This looks wickedly good!

  5. That looks so good. I think I need to make that. I love anything that even remotely resembles a chocolate cookie. I've never had chocolate chip cookie pie, but now I know I need to.
