Monday, February 05, 2007

Boho Bedding...

I adore this tangerine color. Several Saturdays ago, I went to Park City and I saw this beautiful blonde woman wearing a coat in this tangerine. She had a tangerine purse and a tangerine wallet with her. No one would have a tangerine wallet, unless this was their favorite color, right? It just made her look like the most fun and happy person. I think tangerine must be one of the most cheerful colors ever. Hmmm what to paint tangerine???

If anyone sees this throw anywhere, please tell me... I keep thinking about it.

See this bedding here.


  1. Wow, that is colorful, you can't find the throw?? You HAVE to have that throw!! Call them pronto!

  2. My heart's beating faster, because I really like that purple roll !
