Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Art of Civilized Conversation...

I have to admit that I am still as an adult quite uncomfortable in social situations, even sometimes with good friends. I just get uncomfortable, awkward or something. One thing that I have learned about feeling uncomfortable is that is the time when things often will go wrong. Poor C has seen me dig a hole all the way to China and bury myself in it. I don't mean too, but...
So.. I am trying to do something about this. I love to find books with really good concrete advice. I like this book because it says, "Don't say..." Now that, is helpful. I first saw this book at Anthropologie and I started reading it in the store and then couldn't wait to buy it cheaper elsewhere... I never do that. But, it was worth it. I love this book! And, while it has some basic elementary stuff like, "if you think you need to shower....then you do." Hopefully, I'm past that stage. I liked the section about how to apologize, side step gossip and how to ask for help although I disagree with the book a bit there because I hate people to say to me, "Will you do me a favor?" I would prefer that people say, "Would you please wash my car?" or something else concrete. My new answer to that is going to be, "I like to be helpful, let me know the favor and I'll see if I can help." I mean ideally I'm going to say that, but then you know why I bought this book...


  1. I need this book too! How fun!
    I'm not sure if a girl from Idaho can have a "civilized" converstation in DC though... :)

  2. (just kidding, of course. Idahoans communicate fine... maybe it's a genetic thing instead??)

  3. First of all Mother Goose are we really Idahoans or people from Idaho? ha ha. Anyway I know a few people that could also use this book. Thanks for the tip.
