Monday, January 22, 2007

Valentine's Movies...

I love this movie... I especially love the part where Richard Gere's character says...

I guarantee it won’t be easy. I guarantee that at one point or another, one of us is going to want to leave. But I also guarantee that if I don’t ask you to be mine, I am going to regret it for the rest of my life, because I know in my heart, you are the only one for me.
What is one of your favorite Valentine movies?


  1. I love Emma thompsons sense and sensibility and the old somewhere in time, that is assuming I could get my valentine to watch them with me as he would claim they are just chick flicks!

  2. Michelle, that is actually my favorite of the Jane movies. She did so well with the script, don't you think?

  3. Sweet Home Alabama :) for sure :)

  4. Love Reese. That's a fun one.

  5. That Runaway Bride movie was, in the words a cool little kid I know, "doopid". You can only do Pretty Woman once. After that you should come up with a new idea.

  6. I love Runaway Bride, and My Best Friends Wedding, and While you were Sleeping, and of course Sense and Sensibility and Sweet Home Alabama... oh and Sabrina.

    Now I'm in the mood for a chick flick for sure! :)

  7. Love all those too!
