Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico...

Beautiful Mexico! Shawna sent these lovely pictures from
her trip. I wanted to share them so that everyone
who is dealing with smog, fog or inversion
has something beautiful to look at. Those
pink flowers are heaven. Shawna said there
are so many pink flowers that they have
to rake the petals into piles and she
really wanted to dive into a pile
of pink petals. How did she resist???
I never would have been able to.


  1. Love them! They have those everywhere in hawaii too. I think they are called bougenvillia(I'm sure I slaughtered the spelling) and my favorite thing about them is that they dry like paper when you press them!

  2. Now Shawna will be sorry she didn't bring some back to craft with. I wonder, could you laminate them?

  3. So beautiful! I could be happy there for a while :)

  4. I am sure you could laminate them, they really are like tissue paper when you dry them and they keep their color. I think I still have some around from wm's mission!

  5. I am sure you could laminate them, they really are like tissue paper when you dry them and they keep their color. I think I still have some around from wm's mission!
