Friday, January 19, 2007

Lovely Katherine's Lovely Home...

Yesterday, I un-hermited myself after two weeks of
straight painting. I went to visit my friend Katherine in her lovely
new home. I love it because she had so much color added
right at the beginning. Most of the main floor is this soft yellow
with white trim. Notice her beautiful, black, iron balustrade. It
is so elegant. The white cupboards in the kitchen are really
lovely with the black dining table and black and white
marble counter-tops. Pay special attention to the
rock fireplace in the last picture because Katherine
did the rock work herself.
Katherine, thank you for the wonderful lunch.
It was so fun to visit with you and Jess.
Your home is so lovely, which is very you.


  1. spectacular balustrade!

  2. LOve the balustrade! I can't believe she did the fireplace! What a masterpiece!
