Thursday, January 18, 2007

If you didn't get a chance...

Please still put your two cents in on the flooring post below. And, I hope some of you caught the second two parts of the China From The Inside documentary that aired last night. Amazing!


  1. Watched it while I worked on my elephant! Very interesting

  2. About your comment on my site...

    O M G ! I'm stunned that you know who Robert Held is, because I didn't know anything about him or his work until you mentioned his website! Yes, they are simply gorgeous works of art, BTW. Funny how we often don't 'see' things in our own back yard.

    We always drive by his studio on the way to somewhere else, and have never been inside! Now of course we'll have to make a point of it. Thanks so much for opening up my world and giving me an idea for an outing :)

  3. did i choose the wrong flooring? was i supposed to choose from the choices you had outlined? i am not so good at following directions...if i have to choose a finish i would go dark, chocolate brown, that is just me, i know it is not you

  4. Hey again.....I will for sure report back details to you when I visit the glass studio. Might be a couple weeks, what with the move and all.

    My brother is a cellist, I'm a violinist. I can play cello just well enough to coach the cello students in my mini-orchestras. I have to be able to put fingerings in their music. I don't own a cello though. It's such a beautiful-sounding instrument, isn't it :)

  5. A cello choir sounds dreamy. If you happen to find out the name of the group or album, I'd love to know :)

  6. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I am really enjoying the "China From the Inside", I caught it on late night a few nights ago, and stayed up way to late to watch it!
