Wednesday, January 24, 2007

5 Random Things About Me...

1. I stupidly stepped over a red velvet rope to see a stuffed alligator just a bit closer. He wasn't stuffed.
2. I was in a tornado once and I still have several bits of the shattered car glass that it scattered all over my balcony.
3. I took down a drug ring.
4. In 7th grade I got a D in art.
5. The places I would most like to visit again are: Mykonos, Sorrento (pictured above) and Butchart Gardens.
I tag: Jenni, Boo & Sheesh


  1. More info. for people who haven't heard this story 100 times. After the holidays one year 3 units of our condo were rented out to meth cooks. They started two fires in the building, brought a constant parade of the lowest and scariest characters I've ever seen. Rampant and costly vandalism was a daily happening. We, (our condo board essntially myself, Craig and two other single women) took them to court. The condo association paid: Legal Fees $15,000 Fixing up the entire Property $100,000 ...Living in a Drug Free Zone. Priceless.

  2. I actually never heard the outcome of your court case... AWESOME!! good for you guys! I also didn't know you could possibly ever ever ever get a D in anything much less in Art class, for crying out loud. Too crazy.
    Okay here's a random thing or two about me... 1- I've never been in a tornado but Hurricane Isabel was headed to Virginia in '03 and my dear husband packed us up to leave town... I reluctantly left with him and our baby while being pregnant w/ #2. I was reluctant because I wanted to stick around and "see what it would be like". duh. 2- I bungee jumped from a crane in the parking lot of my home town once. I even paid them so I could do it... nowadays they couldn't pay me to do it. 3- the place I would most like to visit is Kiev, Ukraine and attend the temple Open House there. (since dh was in one of the first groups of missionaries to serve there). 4- in 8th grade I got a D in Crafts.

  3. I love Sorento!

    That is a totally crazy story. Did Jenni tell you about her old next door neighbor?

  4. Sheesh, my nephew is in Kiev right now! We got his weekly letter this morning. He is having great success and loving the people and the culture. I can't believe that you got a bad grade ever either. I can believe that you bungeed, however. You guys are brave up there.

    Lindsay, Jenni did tell me about her neighbor. Can you believe it. I think that we are all going to have to be prepared for this. Frontline did a story about Meth in America. Google it, it's very interesting.

    Oh and as far as druggies go, looks like quacks like... is...

  5. What I would like to know is, why wasn't the alligator not in a cage? How is it that you were able to step over a velvet rope and actually get that close to it. Oy! Close one, eh?!

  6. Now I understand your vivid memory of Mrs sain!

  7. The alligator was not full grown, but he was in a large aquarium and I thought he was a stuffed display so I stepped over to look more closely and he jumped and believe me, so did I.

    That happened in college when I worked for a laundry and we would pick up rags and white coats, and things but those biologists were forgetful people and they would sometimes put a snake or a turtle in their white coat pocket and then just dump it in the laundry bin. I almost put a turtle in the wash one time.

    Thanks for asking Melissa!

  8. i see that i have been tagged, i am going to have to come up with 5 things and get back to you on that...hmmm...

  9. Thanks Miss Em. That was pretty fun.
