Friday, October 20, 2006

A Joyful Place...

"Your lifetime is primarily enjoyed in your home. Where else can you be happier than in the privacy of the environment you love? Your own home! What a blessing to know we can live joyfully in our own home, letting the mystery, magic, wonder and power of the spirit of the place feed our soul. " Alexandra Stoddard Time Alive

Wouldn't this pink sofa be the perfect spot to enjoy a Jane Austen novel? I don't have it, but our tiny living room has a great southern exposure, just the perfect place to take a nap in the sun.

And, I love to come home to the bright pot of pansies on the porch. It is amazing what they can do in the spring if you plant them right now! Crown Azure are my favorites. They are the most glorious bright blue.

One last thing, there is nothing like a good rough mat to stomp your feet on, that is surely a sign of being home.

Best Wishes... Tiffany


  1. Tiff...look at you! You're in business...up and running at full speed blogging..i love it, it is so you, the pink couch is beautiful, it would go perfect in your house. Well, I am going to have to read up on granny chic, I have been to invoved in food magazines to read any design related material...thanks for the intro. Love the blog! Love it.

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