Monday, October 30, 2006

Aunt Sherry's Party Decorated by the Lollypop Guild...

Aunt Sherry had a party to celebrate Tirra's new baby on Saturday. It was so much fun! We walked up the path befested (I know this isn't a word, but it should be) with giant lollipops. The house was full of colored pots of swirly lollipops as well and I got to take bunches of them home! We were then met by Dorothy, Toto and all the other characters. Each character was having a marvelous time at the party, running through the woods and all over the yellow brick road until, at one point I thought the sweet scarecrow would fall asleep in my lap. A wonderful day was had by all and we were so very sorry when we had to click our heels together three times and say...
Best Wishes... Tiffany


  1. oooh how fun, i'd love to see pictures from that...who were the characters in real life? kip, chris, and don? big lollipops? how'd they get those? isn't there going to be a big thing for cameron?

  2. The big lollies were made out of styrafoam discs covered with colored cello and tied with ribbon. Does that make sense? The grandkids played all the character parts and the costumes were elaborate. We had a fiesta for Cameron on Sunday. He gave a very sweet talk. We missed you guys lots!
