Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Anything Considered... Peter Mayle

I had considered reading Peter Mayle several times. I wanted to sit in the sun and read about a lovely "Year in Provence." The Problem was it was just too boring of a year and so I couldn't read it. However, it turns out that it was just me. We recently checked out "Anything Considered" and "A Year In Provence" from the library; I am a fair person and wanted to give it a second chance.
These books are both read by David Case who does a more that fantastic job and his voices are perfect. Now both of these books are delightful. I just didn't quite have the imagination for them having never spent any time in Provence.
After reading them, I think I would like to visit for five days and then go home. I like where I live. It is beautiful here. And, I don't really want to eat all those mushrooms even if they are blah, blah, blah in garlic butter, I just can't take so many.
If you haven't read these, they are well written, but just for fun. I hope David Case has read some more of Peter Mayle's books that I can check out. Listen to these, your laundry will do itself. Best Wishes ... Tiffany

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